Our schedule is very child led. We are a very nature based, outdoor dayhome.
Nature is a child's best education.
Nature walks,Cooking and baking
Nature Journals,Story Journals
Living books
Yoga, Meditation
Science Experiments
Gardening, Children each have their own garden to maintain as well as our larger gardens
Spray Park, Field trips
(Zoo, Fort Edmonton, Telus World of Science, Art gallery, Citadel, Museums, Library)
Outdoors daily (puddles and rain and snow are part of the adventure)
“For ourselves, and for our planet, we must be both strong and strongly connected — with each other, with the earth. As children, we need time to wander, to be outside, to nibble on icicles, watch ants, to build with dirt and sticks in the hollow of the earth, to lie back and contemplate clouds....”
Gary Paul Nabhan & Stephen Trimble, The Geography of Childhood, 2004